Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our Mothers

Something our pastor said today stuck in my mind. It was a comment about mothers. He said "next to Jesus, mothers are the ones that believe in you, root for you, tell you how much you are loved and would do absolutely anything in the world for you". This statement is so true for me and I know for Cameron as well.

For instance, when there was a play that I would try out for in school, mom would say "Laura, you will do great!" (She would often say it with so much enthusiasm that I started to believe it myself). Mom would sacrifice her own desires for something I "just had to have" or "had to do". I look back and remember the physical labor mom did too. She worked very hard (and still does, I might add).

Cameron's mom is very much the same, in that, she gave completely of herself to provide for things that were needed as well as "wanted", Most of the time working several jobs just to get by.

These traits, I'm sure are common to mothers everywhere. But we just wanted to take this opportunity to tell our mothers thank you for all that you have done and continue to do in our lives. We love you so much!

Laura and Judy IMG_2826

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