Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Children Learn"

Well, it's back to the books for the kids and I tomorrow. I can honestly say that I am ready to get back down to business. I am praying that the transition will be a smooth one. We have all gotten used to staying up WAY too late and sleeping in WAY to long!

As a home school person, I try to reflect regularly on things that I do, things that I can improve and things that I should nix altogether. My desire for our kids is that they be intelligent. My hope is that they have and use their manners. I really do care that when they are texting their friends they use proper grammar (yea right!) But I think I have really chilled out in my approach lately. Yes, all of those things are good and I am doing my best to "get it all in there". A good friend said to me during a book discussion "Us as mothers are NEVER going to teach our children EVERYTHING that they need to know" I have to chant that mantra over and over to get it into my thick head. I CANNOT teach my children EVERYTHING that they need to know about social studies, math, history etc, BUT GOD CAN. Where I fall short He picks up the slack. It may not be in a "school" setting, but HE will be sure that they learn what they need to know for the plans that HE has for them. We have all sorts of ideas of what our children will do, be, or become but God's plans FAR EXCEED any of ours. So basically if I continue to abide in Him and Him in me then He will let me in on His plans for our youngins' (well really, His youngins')! He'll let me know when to encourage a thing and when to back off.

I was in the thrift store the other day and I came across this beautiful poem by Dorothy Law Nolte, PH.D.
Here it is and I hope it blesses you as it has me:

Children Learn


  1. I needed this - thank you! I think an important thing to impart to kids is that we keep learning - we never know it all. When someone gets to the point of being unteachable there's a problem. May God give us deeper revelation into Him and His Will for us. Love the poem!

  2. How beautiful and perfect this is! Our children are in our hands to be molded just as we have been molded by our Master Potter! If you stay close to the One who created and molded you there will be no question that your pottery will be without flaw!
    I love you Laura,

  3. Laura - I sooooo needed this! Just yesterday I was fretting to Doug about if I am doing everything I need to in teaching our kids. I worry if I'm doing enough but the problem isn't am I doing enough, it's am I trusting God enough!!! Just another reminder that I am not the one in control.

    Enjoying your blog...thanks for sharing!
    Susan Cheek
