I wanted to share what has been on my heart today about the upcoming election. I will be so bold as to say which party I am for. I am conservative;republican if you will. I believe that the life of a baby starts at conception, so therefore I am pro life. I am not big on "big government". I am thankful for the freedoms that we have in this country and I would prefer to make my own choices on things such as health care and what to do with my money. I do believe that a marriage is a sacred union between a man and a women. Also, being the homeschool mother that I am, I believe that we should be able to chose what form of education our children have public or otherwise. There are more issues but it seems like those are the "biggy's" that people usually bring up in conversation.
Even though I believe so strongly in my opinions about what is right, something even bigger is at stake here. Say McCain and Palin win; that would be my preference or even if Obama and Biden wins there is really only so much that they can do in each of these issues. Yes, most definitely they can have laws passed to make a big difference in my lifestyle positive or negative but they will never legislate my heart or my morality. I guess the point I am trying to make is that it is not solely some politicians reponsibility to mandate morality through legislation. It is the responsibility of the church to set an example to the world and to love the world unconditionally, and let Christ bring about the change.
By the church I mean the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, not some physical building that we go to on Sunday and Wedneasday, but the Body of Christ also known as the Church. It is not a political figures' responsibility to console a young, hurting girl that just got pregnant and doesn't know what to do. That is what I am called to do. I must be the one to speak life into her. I must give her words and prayers of hope that she will be ok. It is my responsibility to allow Christ to speak through me and reach out and love through me to a hurting world. I don't want to go into every other politcal issue because that would just take too long and the answer would be the same for every one. The answer is this: If the Body of Christ is
demonstrating Jesus to the world then all of this political nonsense will align itself under His authority and His will.
Regardless of the outcome of this election my prayer will continue to be that GOD'S WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!
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Three Days!
12 years ago