Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lindsey learns to drive.

Well, for years Cameron has told Lindsey, "I will teach you to drive when you are tall enough to push the clutch in all the way". That time has come, and it's time for cameron to put up or shut up. Cameron took Lindsey to the same field that he took Katie to a couple of weeks ago and started the driving lesson.

She did really well for her first time driving. She only stalled the Jeep three times. She stopped and started several times and shifted into second gear a few times, and once made it into third gear.

Our little baby girl is growing up so fast. Now that this has started, we have four years of asking to go drive to look forward to.



  1. I'm impressed!! You did way better than I have ever done. I still can't drive a stick shift. You rock!! You looked very comfortable and confident. Way to go!!!
    Mrs. Amanda

  2. Go Lindsey GO!!!!!!!!!! I love reading your blog guys! Looks like you are havin a fun summer.
    The Knopfs

  3. You go girl!!! I think it is great that your dad would find the time to start so early teaching you to drive. However, in all this time you need to pay close attention to not only the words of your dad but also his "spirit" because he is teaching you so much more than driving. He is teaching you about, patience, sacrifice and also how you should treat other people. Lindsey this will always remind you of how much your dad loves you and love opens the door for any advice or guidance. Your dad is a very wise man!
    Miss Betty (aka Mema)
