Today I completed my first triathlon….Whoo-Hoo! I didn’t do so hot in the overall ranking. I was second to last in the women's category. BUT AT LEAST I WASN’T LAST! I did, however, do my very best time at swimming. I shaved off 3 minutes compared to my training times. My bike run wasn’t as good as I’ve done but the course was a lot more hilly than I am used to. One hill in particular kicked my butt, it was grooling...I could see my average speed going down, down, down quickly. And the run, well, I totally bombed on that! I really need to work on my run.
On a brighter note, I AM happy that I...
1) finished in time to go to Levi’s soccer game
(well, I am glad I finished period.)
2)didn’t stop at all even though I was tempted to while poking along on my run and…
3)Gave it my all and had fun!
I am honestly surprised that I am not that tired after the race. I feel pretty good. I think I might want to do another one …hee heee heee
Maybe Cameron will do one with me next there's an idea....
Battle at Buckhorn Lake
Laura Graham age 38 Wilson, NC
Placed 40th out of 41 women contestants My number was- 61
Swim Rank- 35th Swim Time-21:15.6 Pace1:58 T1 Rank-21 T1 Time-1:39
Bike Rank-38th Bike Time-1:08:56.4 Average MPH-14.8 T2 Rank-17 T2Time- 0:59
Run Rank-41st Run Time-38:57.0 Pace-12:34 -UUUGH! I was the last runner however…..did I say I need to work on my run??

Laura and Levi strikin' a tough pose

Parade wave before go time-Swim-1000 meters

Lindsey and Charlie on the dock

Transition 1-Going from Water to Bike

17 Mile Bike Ride

Transition 2-From Bike to Run

Final Leg-Run 5k/3.1 miles

We thought this was a cool pic-The oldest runner in the race (72 yrs old) and the youngest runner (12) they finished within seconds of eachother...very cool

Finishing Strong!
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