The following blog entry was written by Lindsey.
Several months ago Charlie bought a pet mouse for his science project for the science fair. It turned out that this particular science fair project ended up living with us up until about two weeks ago, when I woke up to Charlie sadly declaring that he found Katie (that was the name of the mouse) stiff in her cage. We have had many adventures with Katie the mouse. The most hysterical time being when she escaped from her cage during the night and crawled into my parent’s room and up onto their bed. My mom awoke to my dad sitting straight up looking around, he said that something had just crawled up his stomach and that he slapped it off, my mom turned on the light and there was Katie on the dresser. My dad had slapped her across the room, and she was just sitting there grooming herself. Katie managed to escape several times and we had to chase her around the house several times, though none was quite as funny as when she crawled on dad during the night. As you can tell we had lots of fun with Katie and she will be missed. Here are some pictures of Katie.
This is one of our favorite of Katie.

Here is Charlie with Katie

Here she is at the end of the maze that Charlie made for the Science Fair project.