Click the PLAY button on the slide show to see Lindsey through the years
On April 11 our little baby girl became a teenager. It’s hard to believe that it has been 13 years since we brought her home as a bald, chubby little bundle of joy, by the way she didn’t really get much hair until she was nearly a year old, and we called her our little Sumo wrestler until she was about 5 years old (she had more rolls than Subway). She was born in Ft Myers Florida, and at the time we lived in Cape Coral, just across the river. For Lindsey’s birthday we were in Maryland visiting with family for Easter, and we did celebrate her birthday along with her cousins who also have birthdays in April (Kyle on the 16th, and Alexandra on the 7th). The following weekend we had another birthday party at home, Lindsey invited five friends over for a birthday party and sleep over (that’s right 6 girls spending the night, not quite the 16 she had for her 6th birthday but definitely a tall order to fill, not really the older she gets the easier the sleepovers are, they just go hang out upstairs). She is growing up so fast. She is a wonderful daughter and sister to her brothers, and is the best friend that you could ask for. Her favorite scripture is "a friend loves at all times, Proverbs 17:17" and it is evedent in the way she treats those around her.
We love you baby girl
Happy Birthday Lindsey!
Here she is a her Uncle Brad's house playing pool

and here she is with her friends at her sleepover